Mina’s House Podcast Ep. 78 – Queen Naija Posted on September 24, 2018 By Mina SayWhat This is the 78th episode of the #MinasHouse Podcast, hosted by Mina SayWhat and co-hosted by Sherlock Homeboi. This week the two talk about the beefs going on in the comedy world and also the Hollywood Reporters list of 100 Most Powerful People In Entertainment and how inaccurate they feel the list is. Their topic this week is about money. “Do you continue being friends with someone who you have money issues with?” At the 52:31 mark you can hear Mina’s interview with you tube star turned artist Queen Naija. Enjoy and follow the pod on social media @MinasHousePOD Mina's House Podcast
Mina's House Podcast Mina’s House Pod Ep. 188 – Comedian James Davis Posted on July 21, 2021 Comedian James Davis joins episode 188 of the Mina’s House Podcast this week. Before James joins the pod, Mina SayWhat and Shana B talk about Danileigh announcing her pregnancy. James joins the pod to talk about MTV’s Adorableness, which James is hosting. He also talks about wearing many hats in… Read More
Mina's House Podcast Mina’s Mind Ep 38 – Producer DJ Cooley Talks Leaving The Music Industry For God Posted on March 15, 2017March 15, 2017 Producer DJ Cooley stopped by Mina SayWhat‘s Mina’s Mind podcast to talk about his choice of leaving the music industry to give his life to God. After producing for Fetty Wap, PNB Rock and other philly/jersey artists, Cooley decided he was not living right and changed his life. Mina found Cooley… Read More
Mina's House Podcast Mina’s House Podcast Ep. 136 – Who Shot Megan? Does Black Supremacy Exist? Posted on July 16, 2020 The 136th episode of the Mina’s House Podcast is all over the place. 2020 has proven to be the weirdest year and this has to be the weirdest week. Mina SayWhat, Shana B, Sherlock Homeboi and Dexter Stuckey talk about Megan getting shot, Kanye dropping out of the presidential race,… Read More