Mina’s House Podcast Ep. 123 – Joel Embiid Trade Rumors – Is Valentine’s Day A Day For Men? Posted on February 11, 2020 By Mina SayWhat This is the 123rd episode of the Mina’s House Podcast. Sherlock Homeboi is working overtime this week and Shana B has returned from her work trip to join Mina SayWhat. “In Your Feed” Conversation is about Power’s show finale, Joel Embiiid’s trade rumors (at 31:05), and social media helping a striping who fell off the pole (at 51:54). Their topic this week is about Valentine’s Day at 1:00:43 (which is coming up); Is Valentine’s Day a day for men or women? @MinasHousePod Mina's House Podcast
Mina's House Podcast Mina’s House Pod Ep. 155 – Grammy Board Members Explain Nomination Process Posted on December 2, 2020December 2, 2020 In light of the recent social media backlash to the 2021 Grammy nominations, Grammy board members Helen Bruner and Dyana Williams join the 155th episode of the Mina’s House Podcast this week to clarify the Grammy’s nomination process and explain why some artists were not nominated this year. Before the… Read More
Mina's House Podcast Mina’s House Podcast Ep. 99 – DDG Posted on June 2, 2019 99th episode of the Mina’s House Podcast! Planning a live podcast event for the 100th episode! Stay tuned! This week Mina SayWhat and Shana B talk about the “In Your Feed” topics of Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas apologizing to Meek Mill, Drake’s Game 1 NBA Finals antics and an “Instagram… Read More
Mina Interviews Mina’s Mind Ep. 49 Omelly Opens Up About Life After Being Shot And Says He Still Dreamchasers Posted on October 13, 2017January 20, 2018 In this episode of Mina’s Mind podcast, Mina SayWhat talks with Omelly, who is also known as Meek Mill’s cousin, about his life and his music as well as the strong correlation between the two. Omelly goes in depth on how his life has changed after being shot, his family and he says he’s still signed to Dreamchasers despite the… Read More