2016 Recap: Mina SayWhat’s Biggest Moments Posted on January 25, 2017February 2, 2017 By Mina SayWhat 2016 was a huge eye opening year for me. I learned a lot about myself and have really thought about my future, where i want to go and who i want to be. I did a lot of reflection and planning. In the midst of all that i also managed to have a lot going on. I’ve been on Power 99’s morning show for going on 5 years. It’s been a long road, a lot of hard work and as a result our ratings are phenominal. There are not many other morning shows that have run as long as we have been going in the history of Power 99. Besides that I continue to be a mentor to my dance team that is in its 4th year. My ambassador partnerships with Kicks USA and the 76ers youth basketball team have also continued. I have also continued to strengthen my brand on TV, got the opportunity to interview Hilary Clinton, hosted the Puerto Rican Day parade for the second year in a row, did a ton of charity work and speaking to kids at school, was in a championship parade and was in my first movie! Oh and i almost forgot. I’m still the voice of the weather on 103.5 The Beat in Miami – 3 years strong. Below is a list of my biggest moments of 2016 If your interested here is 2015). Going To The White House – Secretary of Health And Human Services Sylvia Burwell invited me to the White House to discuss how I can help get people registered and signed up for insurance. As a very involved leader in the community, they saw me as someone who can mobilize people to get healthcare. I spent a whole day there! It was such a pivotal moment in my life. I never thought I’d be invited to the White House – let alone asked to work with the White House. I campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008 so to be invited to the White House during his second term was really a full circle moment. Amazing! Got invited to the #WhiteHouse #DC 🏛 A photo posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Nov 14, 2016 at 8:36am PST At the #WhiteHouse talking about affordable health insurance with Secretary Burwell. Sign up now! To get coverage by Jan 1st sign up by 12/15 healthcare.gov #GetCovered 🏛 A photo posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Nov 14, 2016 at 7:22am PST A photo posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Nov 14, 2016 at 10:36am PST Walking through the #WhiteHouse in #DC 🏛 A video posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Nov 14, 2016 at 10:44am PST 2. TV appearances – Coming off a HUGE year in TV for me after being on The Rachael Ray Show nationwide, I continued doing my TV thing on Fox 29 this year! I was also featured on Oxygen’s “The Sisterhood Of Hip Hop.” Check out videos below I’m hearing we were on tonight’s episode of the #SisterhoodOfHipHop on @oxygen with my boo @leemazin A video posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Jul 19, 2016 at 6:24pm PDT 3. 3rd Annual Queen Me Women’s Panel – Continuing my mission of passing on the knowledge and bringing women together, for the third year I held my Queen Me Women’s Panel. It was sponsored by Kicks USA and i held it at Milkboy Philadelphia. I invited women in music, entertainment and sports to share their stories and knowledge to other young women coming up. Get more HERE. 4. Podcasting – This year i started my own podcast and joined a podcast! My own podcast is called Mina’s Mind and i joined the Patty And The Millennials podcast. Both highlight who i am off the radio. Check out my podcast HERE and Patty and the Millennials HERE. What are your life essentials? Positive/happy people and lip gloss ☺💄 A photo posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Nov 20, 2016 at 5:37pm PST 5. Powerhouse – As always Powerhouse is always amazing. Check out pics below. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485451748852.mp4 6. Raising Money For Charities – I’ve been working with NRG Energy to raise money for local Philly charities. In 2016 i raised 3,000 for the Sixers Youth Foundation (benefitting the kids basketball league i work with) and 1,000 for a Pet Paw Relief. I worked with Youth Valley house a lot in 2016 to help foster youth get supplies for school. I was happy to distribute backpacks to foster kids with my fellow cuse alum and Oklahoma City Thunder player Jerami Grant. 7. Speaking At Schools – It is part of my path to give back to the community and help these kids realize there is a big world out there and they can live the lives they want. Because of that I’ve done the most speaking this year in Philly grade and high schools. I spoke to 3,000 kids in front of he Philly Art Museum about reading and writing for the Mighty Writers Program and so much more! I even bought my friend Freeway with me to Martin Luther King High School to perform for the students and talked to kids for the Philly DA and the Philly Phanatic. Check it out below. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485453508475.mp4 8. Interviewing Hilary Clinton – Every year when i reflect on the interviews I’v conducted i pick my favorite. This year i can’t pick one. I have to pick two. Through my connections I managed to book and interview Hilary Clinton 1 day before the election. She ended up not winning, but speaking to this first woman to be nominated for President of a major political party was the honor of my lifetime. I also moderated a dialogue for the Clinton campaign with Karen Civil and Freeway before booking the interview. We invited members from the community and talked about the real issues affecting us. My second interview was asking Kobe a question during his last game in Philadelphia before he retired. Being from Lower Merion, Kobe started his basketball career in the Philadelphia area and as i kid playing basketball in Union City, NJ i loved 2 ball players. One being Allen Iverson and the second being Mr Kobe Bryant. I was the only woman to ask a question during this press conference and the only person from a non-sports radio station. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485453049235.mp4 https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485455837910.mp4 9. MCing Philly’s Puerto Rican Day Parade – For the second year in a row i MC’d the whole Puerto Rican Day Parade which airs on 6abc in Philly every year. I got the honor to meet and introduce our guest speaker this year John Leguizamo. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/vid_56460822_073117.mp4 10. Continuing to work with the Sixers Youth Foundation – I’ve been working with the 76ers community division, Sixers Strong, for two years now. It is one of the things that make me feel like I am fulfilling my purpose. I love basketball and being around the kids, the sport and the youth basketball leagues/camps. It is truly a blessing for my to be involved with the Sixers in this way. I even had the honor of meeting my woman crush NBA sideline reporter Doris Burke. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485453015156.mp4 11. Was In My First Movie – That’s right! My Syracuse Television, Radio and Film education is paying off! I was in my first movie in 2016. It’s a political crime drama based in Camden called Chase Street. I have a small part but i still had to memorize lines and film a couple of scenes! It was dope! The film also stars Clifton Powell, Freeway, Gillie Da Kid, Oschino and more. Check out the trailer below. 12. Was In The Villanova Championship Parade – What an amazing experience! I got the ride on a bus in the National Championship Parade for the Villanova Wildcats in Philly. It was an incredible thing to witness. The energy was so electrifying. See more HERE. https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/wp-1485452706905.mp4 https://minasaywhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/vid_20150712_091627.mp4 13. Coaching And Mentoring My Dance Team – It’s been 4 years since i started this dance team “THE POWER SQUAD” for young women and I can’t even believe I’ve managed to build something that really helps young women. I’ve watched one of my dancers grow from a 15 year old girl to a 19 year old woman. My choreographer Andrea has evolved in so many ways as a dance and a leader – it’s astonishing to have watched. I am still in awe that I had an influence on these ladies lives. It’s like watching your kids grow. This year i had a very difficult sex talk and personal life talk with the ladies. They learned from the women featured at my women’s panel, we talked about what they should be doing to get into college and i even took them to Six Flags!! If I’ve done anything of value in my life this is it. Even after I’m gone I will be here because I set a footprint in those ladies lives. <3 Best Of Mina SayWhat
Best Of Mina SayWhat Mina SayWhat Goes On Kicks USA Traveling Party In West And North Philly Posted on September 3, 2015September 12, 2015 As their female Ambassador, Mina SayWhat went on a 2 day tour with Kicks USA to seven Kicks USA locations in West and North Philly. Coming along with her were artists PNB Rock and Quilly came through to a location as well! From the Sixers team, in arena host Christian… Read More
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Best Of Mina SayWhat Music Video: Beyonce 7/11 ft Mina SayWhat And The Power Squad Posted on January 7, 2015 For fun, Mina SayWhat and the Power 99 Power Squad Dance Team remade Beyonce’s 7/11 video at their end of the year party. Watch it below. Read More