Sixer Jerami Grant And Mina SayWhat Speak On Upcoming Season And Colin Kaepernick Anthem Protest Posted on September 1, 2016September 16, 2016 By Mina SayWhat Mina SayWhat hosted Valley Youth House’s Closing Ceremony For Their Backpack Challenge. The challenge aimed to raise money for laptops, school supplies, backpacks and more for foster kids in the Philadelphia area. Over 7,000 backpacks were collected and given to the foster youth! Jerami Grant from the Philadelphia 76ers was also there to support the kids. Check out Mina and Jerami’s conversation about this season, his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick’s Anthem Protest and more below. Hosted @VYHouse #backpackchallenge closing ceremony w this guy! Collected over 7,000 backpacks for foster kids #cuse — MINA SAYWHAT (@MinaSayWhat) August 31, 2016 Looks like @valleyyouthhouse loves us @syracuseu kids! We handed out bookbags filled with school supplies to foster kids today! @jeramigrant #backpackchallenge A video posted by Mina SayWhat (@minasaywhat) on Aug 30, 2016 at 8:01pm PDT Events Mina Power 99 Interviews
Mina Power 99 Interviews Interview: Ciara & Mina SayWhat Talk The Game, Nicki Minaj Records, Future Challenging Her & Babies! Posted on April 8, 2013April 10, 2013 Ciara stopped by Power 99 Philly to talk to Mina SayWhat about her new song “Body Party” off her album “One Woman Army.” During their convo they talk about her role on The Game, her collabs with Nicki Minaj, how her boyfriend Future challenges her musically, what made her open… Read More
Events Mina SayWhat Hosts Macy’s Fall Fashion Show Posted on October 5, 2015October 5, 2015 Mina SayWhat hosted Macy’s Front Row Fall Fashion Show in Deleware at the Christiana Mall. The show is 1 of 25 Macy’s fashion shows around the country. It showcased Macy’s fall fashion that includes everything from everyday clothing to dinner, party and formal wear. Mina’s clothes was provided by Thalia,… Read More
Events Event: Mina SayWhat Hosts Global Fusion Concert In Philly Posted on July 20, 2012July 23, 2012 Mina SayWhat hosted a part of the Global Fusion Concert at Penns Landing in PA on Saturday 7/21 along with the Power 99 team and bought out Kendrick Lamar and Elle Varner. The show was from 2p-8p and featured Brandy, Elle Varner, Kendrick Lamar, Luke James, Cody Kahmar, R.K.M. &… Read More